Orders are shipped from China
we ship USPS Priority mail international, UPS Worldwide and FedEx International Priority.
We have two shipping methods, free shipping and expedited shipping, expedited shipping charges different shipping costs according to the shipping cost of different countries.
We ship within 3~5 business days of receiving your order (not including weekends or holidays). When you receive the item depends upon the shipping method you select during checkout.
Usually the goods will arrive at the destination in about 7~14 days after delivery, excluding the time to process the order
Usually the goods will arrive at the destination in about 3~5 days after delivery, excluding the time to process the order
Because when we receive an order, it sorts the order, then checks the quality of the product when it is shipped, then packs the package, and finally delivers the package to the logistics company. Usually, we will be able to complete the delivery within 1~3 days. When the order volume is large, the delivery time may be extended, so it may take 3~5 days to process the order
Please see our Return Policy.
Once your order has been placed, you will receive the Order Confirmation email – Please allow 1~5 business days to process your order. (Weekends and Holidays not included)
You’ll be able to get the latest updates on your order by Shipping Confirmation email. Clicking the tracking link in your shipping confirmation email.
Your tracking link will be able to provide up to date information on the status of your order.
If your estimated delivery date has passed and you haven’t received your order, just contact us so we can help you further.
Please contact us directly by email
A package is returned to the sender if delivery cannot be completed or if delivery is refused. Once the package is received back we will process a refund MINUS the outgoing shipping cost.
If your order has not shipped, you can modify or cancel your order
If something you like but it says Out of Stock, please choose your size and enter your email in the restock notification system, we will send you a notification email once it is back in stock.
Reason 1: It may be that multiple orders are paid in a row, which causes the system to think that the payment is fraudulent, so the payment cannot be made.
Reason 2: It may be that the credit card has a low score, which makes the payment impossible.
If you encounter related problems, you can choose to change the credit card and payment method.
The customer needs to send the package back within 30 days after receiving the goods (including the return shipping time), we will not charge the return fee, and the shipping cost and additional costs incurred by the return need to be borne by the customer.